Bondage Project Workshop
Declaration of Consent and Liability Exclusion

Hereby I declare (Name, Date of Birth):
that over the possible health sequences and risks of the different Bondages
shown here I become enlightened. I have no further questions in addition.
With my signature, I confirm that I over 18 years and do not stand under
effects of alcohol or other drugs and voluntarily at this seminar would
participate. Moreover I give my consent with the following signature into
a liability exclusion: in possibly appearing sequences as well as pinched
nervs, deafness in the fingers, sprains etc., I carry the exclusive risk.
Of any claims by civil or criminal law demands against Matthias T. J.
Grimme, Bondage Project or the Co-trainers I renounce.
Of corresponding claims of third partys I leave up to it.
Date: Signature:
